Virtual queue management system (virtual queuing system)

The virtual queue management system is a part of the patient flow management system. The flow management system uses algorithms for calculating optimal patient logistics in the clinic, for regulating the duration and order of the medical procedures, workload schedule of offices, and provides updates on the status of medical services

The virtual queuing system is managed by the staff at the reception desks. Above each office door, a virtual queue monitor is installed. All information on visit time and schedule is printed on the patient visit tickets. The status of each office, station, and medical service is updated in real-time via START and END buttons in the interface, equipment commands, and scanning codes on visit tickets

The virtual queue monitor displays the office number and its status (wait, hold, busy, no appointments), the current appointment remaining time, ticket numbers and patient`s queue statuses, the information and a photo of the physician working in the office. When the doctor is ready to see next patient, the monitor shows the patient number in large digits accompanied with the sound. Doctors can put an appointment on hold, or invite the first patient in before the scheduled time.